The Perfect Rug for Every Kind of Mood
Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling. - Cecelia Ahern
Anyone who has read or heard this line from Love, Rosie would agree that the idea of home is truly centred on the idea of happiness. What makes us feel good? What gets us through tough times? Or what keeps us going?
In an ideal world, choosing to be happy should not be so difficult. Yet, with the surplus of bad energy flowing around these days, it can get pretty hard to stay buoyed up and in the mood for anything. Suffice it to say that it can even take a toll on your overall emotional state. This is why we try to change what we could--including our own house--to make us feel a lot better! It is important, mainly because our surroundings affect our mood significantly. So it is totally understandable that you want to spruce up your own place every now and then.
Don’t know where to begin? No worries! We are here to help. Below, we have listed down the four colours of area rugs that are perfect for giving your emotions that much-needed boost.
Feeling all gooey and romantic? It is obvious why you should go for a red shag--this colour is universally accepted as the colour of love. Have you ever noticed that popular date spots tend to have or incorporate the colour red in them? That is because according to studies, red intensifies your excitement as well as your appetite. Which in turn gives couples the license to get extra cheesy and mushy all over. And admit it, it works!

So the next time you want to skip out on your romantic fine dining experience with your loved one in exchange for a more sophisticated date at home, make sure to include a red area rug!
Yellow is generally a colour that is hard to pull off. But make no mistake about it--yellow can make any room appear larger and more vibrant. But more than that, the sunny vibe of the colour yellow helps you see the brighter side of things. This means you are more likely to keep a positive outlook in life when you have a yellow area rug.

Yellow is also said to give off an aura that energises you. This is especially true if it is placed in a room with natural light. In this case, keeping a yellow rug in the kitchen or in the living room is a good idea to help you prepare for a long and busy day. If you do not consider yourself a morning person, then this might be just what you need to overcome your lack of energy during the day.
And for what it is worth, yellow tends to create a welcoming environment for you and your visitors. So having, say, an afternoon tea party with a yellow rug in place will feel a lot more refreshing than without one!
That said, you should be careful not to place too much yellow in a single room. Doing so might be an overkill and not to mention make the room a little too overwhelming for the eyes. Find the right balance!
If we ask you to think of an image that you find most calming, most of you would probably think of the sky or the ocean. And you are right--there really is something so serene and peaceful about them that puts us in a better mood. The thing is, not everyone can afford to get close or experience their beauty on a daily basis, which is why people rely on the colour that gives them a semblance of these things: blue.

Since blue is mostly associated with the feelings of quietness and relaxation, it is best put in places where you want to have some alone time away from others. For instance, your bedroom. Also, unlike red or yellow, blue does not try to get your attention. Instead, it helps you focus even more and concentrate on your current activity.
In essence, green is very much like blue since it is also associated with nature, though it is more apt for people who have a strong affinity for plant life such as this Sanderson Manila Green rug that has the perfect tropic vibe that will instantly uplift your mood in no time. So, it makes sense that green is also able to give you some peace of mind whenever you need to. But really, what makes green different from blue is that it evokes a feeling of fresh breeze matched with an animated ambiance. This makes your home all the more a cozy place to do your favorite leisure.

Besides, research also suggests that green actually improves your reading ability. So if you are a voracious reader, then you might want to consider a green rug for your study corner.